Greek (Hellenic) Society of Migraine and Headache Patients: Webinars

Having as its main goal the responsible information for the migraine disease, the Hellenic Society of  Migraine and Headache Patients, in collaboration with its Scientific Advisors Dr. Michalis Vikelis and Dr. Manolis Dermitzakis has created a series of online seminars on migraine and its effects on patients' lives.

The series consists of stand-alone episodes of about 25 minutes which explain in a simple and understandable way what migraine is, what its forms are, and what treatment options are available to doctors and patients today. You can watch the episodes at the following links:

Episode 1. Migraine and its treatment

Episode 2. Chronic Migraine

Episode 3. Episodic migraine
Episode 4. The Migraine in Greece 2020

We walrmly thank the scientific associates of the Society for their valuable help, as well as the companies Allergan, Novartis Hellas, Pharmaserv Lilly and Specifar A.E.B.E (a Teva Company) for their valuable support.

  • Προβολές: 5054
Ο Σύλλογος ιδρύθηκε το 2017 από μια ομάδα ασθενών με ημικρανία ή άλλες κεφαλαλγίες. Απευθύνεται σε όσους ταλαιπωρούνται από πονοκεφάλους (ημικρανία, κεφαλαλγία τάσεως, αθροιστική κεφαλαλγία ή άλλου τύπου κεφαλαλγία) και κατοικούν στην Ελληνική επικράτεια.

Στοιχεία Επικοινωνίας

Σύλλογος Ασθενών με Ημικρανία & Κεφαλαλγία Ελλαδος

Τηλέφωνο: (+30) 690 86 83 806
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Διεύθυνση: Γ' Σεπτεμβρίου 144112 51, AΘHNA

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